Hello, I am

Eugene Tang

An aspiring_
About Me

It's all about making an impact.

I am a final year Computer Science undergraduate at the National University of Singapore, passionate about leveraging technology to create user-centric digital products with a meaningful impact.



I specialize in software engineering, with experience in web, app and game development.



I prioritize user experience in my products, possessing knowledge about the design life cycle and prototyping skills.



I actively contribute to my community, using my knowledge to solve problems and help those in need.


I put my skills into practice.

  1. Data and Tech Intern at the Ministry of Social and Family Development

    Received a testimonial from the Team Manager
    Python, pandas, numpy, scikit-learn
    • Contributed to ops-tech solutions at Child Protective Service, Rehabilitation Protection Group
    • Led the prompt engineering process for Gen AI bots designed to reduce the administrative load of child protection officers in organising and summarising case notes
    • Performed feature engineering for a binary classification predictive analytics model to assess the risk of re-reporting for screened-out child abuse cases
    • Translated ops officers' requirements and developed a case flow simulation model, enabling stakeholders to assess the impact of various parameters on CPS's case pipeline
  2. Information Technology Developer Intern at CPF Board

    Received a testimonial from the Senior Deputy Director
    Java, Java Spring, JUnit, IBM DB2, Data Studio, RTC Jazz, Jenkins, SoapUI
    • Contributed to the Special Account closure build at Retirement Decumulation Systems Department
    • Amended 6 services for 55 Withdrawal using PayNow to accommodate changes in logic and computation
    • Developed 3 APIs for a new system aimed at facilitating the withdrawal of new Retirement Account inflows for eligible members
    • Updated the backend logic for a UI screen used in CPF Board's internal business portal
    • Created 3 batch jobs to verify the validity of account numbers for CPF accounts and the eligibility of members for a valid Retirement Account
  3. Information Technology Intern at CBM Pte Ltd

    Received a testimonial from the Chief Technology Officer
    Flutter, PHP Laravel, Voyager, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, MySQL, Figma
    • Co-built a full-stack project management system for automation of report generation, reducing the number of platforms needed from 3 to 1
    • Designed hi-fidelity prototype for the mobile application with Figma and implemented it with Flutter
    • Created a web admin dashboard with HTML, CSS and JavaScript
    • Built APIs using PHP Laravel for connection with a MySQL database
  4. Advisor for NUS Orbital 2023

    Awarded with the Best Advisor Award
    Unity, Software Engineering
    • Provided guidance and technical know-how to 11 teams of Year 1 undergraduates for a 3-month long software engineering project
    • Enabled all teams to complete the program with 3 teams achieving Artemis (Extreme), the highest level of achievement for Orbital teams

Designed with perfection in mind.

Coding Projects

Shooting Portals
Shooting Portals
Awarded with the Judge's Choice Award

Shooting Portals is a PC 2D puzzle-based platformer. The game revolves around Pulse, an inventor residing in the Portal Galaxy. His dog, Orbit, accidentally entered into an unknown galaxy. Hence, it is up to you to rescue Orbit.

Unity, Microsoft Azure PlayFab
Computer, Easy Lah!
Computer, Easy Lah!

Computer, Easy Lah! is an initiative that provides an interactive learning platform for senior adults to recap and practice the content taught in computer classes. It is built for Work Live Digital, and is supported by partners such as Family Central and Chua Chu Kang IT Centre.

Next.JS, Figma
ITS Automated Testing Engine
ITS Automated Testing Engine

This is an automated testing tool that uses black box testing to test the Intelligent Tutoring System (ITS) developed at the Programming Languages and Software Engineering lab at School of Computing, NUS. It uses metamorphic testing, modifying base programs into semantically equivalent ones for bug detection.

Python, PyTest, OpenAI, Docker
Good Goods
Good Goods

Singaporeans recognise the importance of social enterprises and are willing to support them, but finding these businesses remains a significant challenge. Thus, Good Goods is a RAG-powered discovery platform that makes it easier for consumers to discover social enterprises based on their product needs.

Next.JS, Tailwind CSS, Flowbite, MongoDB, OpenAI

neatnotes is a notes-taking Android mobile application that is designed for users to easily create and manage their notes on the go. It has a simplistic yet functional interface, providing features such as user authentication, notes-taking and PDF generation.

Flutter, Firebase, Figma

InternBuddy is a desktop application designed for Computing undergraduates to systematically track and manage their internship applications. It is available on the Windows, macOS and Linux operating systems.

Java, JavaFX, Jackson, JUnit5, TestFX
Work Live Digital Website
Work Live Digital Website

A brand new website for Work Live Digital, a social impact initiative that provides free basic computer workshops to young seniors above 50 and connects them to opportunities to further their skills after completing the workshops.

Next.JS, Tailwind CSS, Flowbite, Figma
Roar of the Dinosaur
Roar of the Dinosaur

Help Rex, the leader of the dinosaurs, save the Dinosaur Galaxy from an incoming meteor. Use his unique platform-spawning mechanics to collect celestial stones across 4 differently-themed galaxies in order to stop the meteor.


Finterest is an AI-powered financial news web app where you can dive deep into the world of finance. Chat with AI to gain deeper insights about financial articles, and generate summaries of articles if you are short of time.

Next.JS, Firebase, OpenAI, Figma

mood is a personal journal web application that allows you to create/edit journal entries, upload images, meditate and view profile information. Start writing journal entries today!

HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Django, SQLite
Personal Portfolio 2023
Personal Portfolio 2023

My 2023 personal portfolio website, designed by myself and created using Tailwind CSS. I went for a simplistic and clean look, and utilised Tailwind to create a responsive interface.

HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Tailwind CSS
ET's Planet
ET's Planet

My 2022 personal portfolio website, made fully responsive through the usage of vanilla CSS's media queries. The design mainly revolves around the concept of aliens/planets since ET is an acronym for both my name 'Eugene Tang' and extraterrestrials.

HTML, CSS, JavaScript

BooBot is a text-based GUI task manager application that helps you to keep track of your tasks, saving time and ensuring that you are on track. With BooBot, you do not have to worry about missing any deadlines anymore.

Java, JavaFx, JUnit5

MdNotes is a desktop web application that allows you to create and preview notes in Markdown. Your documents are saved to the cloud, allowing for cross-device access.

ReactJS, Firebase

This is a simplified clone of Meta's Threads application, built as an educational project. Post threads, comment on others' posts, and join communities to find like-minded individuals.

Next.JS, MongoDB, Clerk, UploadThing, shadcn
Multiplication Mania
Multiplication Mania

Multiplication Mania is a simple multiplication game hosted on the web. You have to correctly answer 10 questions to obtain the Multiplication Crystal, a proof that one is good in multiplication.


Design Projects


ClosetLogue is a mobile UX design project that provides a highly-customised interface to simplify the process of outfit selection for youths, such that dressing well can be hassle and stress-free.

Design Life Cycle, Balsamiq, Figma

CampusCollab is a UX design project revolving around a gamified mobile application that is designed to connect NUS students for efficient recruitment of participants for surveys and studies.

Design Life Cycle, Figma

ShareCar is a car sharing mobile UX design project that aims to connect car owners with potential customers while protecting the interests of both parties.

Design Life Cycle, Balsamiq, Figma
Halloween Infographic
Halloween Infographic

An infographic designed to showcase statistics about Halloween in the US in 2023.

Adobe Illustrator
Brand Guide for Dinosaur Illustrator
Brand Guide for Dinosaur Illustrator

A brand guide created for a persona who specialises in creating dinosaur art for children's publications. It includes colour guidelines, typography, logo, logo guidelines, name card and resume.

Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe InDesign

CampusVibe is a UX project revolving around a specialised platform dedicated to simplifying the process of organising and hosting virtual team-building sessions. It is targeted towards Singapore University students.

Design Life Cycle, Miro

A snapshot of my journey.

  1. Volunteer at Family Central

    • Designed and led a workshop on Google Gemini for 80 senior adults
    • Received a letter of affirmation from Family Central
  2. Mentor at CampusImpact

    • Planned and executed academic and enrichment activities with a Primary 4 student
  3. Volunteer at Work Live Digital

    • Curated booklets on basic computer usage
    • Facilitated computer classes for senior adults
    • Built a website for Work Live Digital
  4. Student Teacher at CDAC Singapore

    • Gave academic support in the subjects of Mathematics and Science for a Primary 6 student
  5. Organising Committee at Prison Fellowship Singapore

    • Led a team of 5 to offer weekly tuition support and organise enrichment activities
    • Fund-raised $143.90 through sales of self-baked biscuits that were decorated by the beneficiary

Let's get in touch.

I am constantly looking for opportunities to design and build impactful products. Whether you wish to collaborate with me or simply to say hello, feel free to leave me a message.